Hennessy's Automotive Repair

Auto Repair and Restoration
Mike Hennessy Automotive has been in the business for over 40 years and is one of the very few auto service repair stores that can service your car whether it is a 1920 vintage vehicle or a 2025. We have an extensive automotive library and the knowledge to care for your car.
Buying and Selling Cars
Mike Hennessy has been a car dealer finding the right car for hundreds of satisfied clients for over
30 years. If you are searching for that particular car we can find it for you. We can also find project cars and have experience to fully restore them to get them back on the road. If you have a project car running or not that you've lost interest in and would like to sell, give Mike a call at 408 615-1454.
VIN Verification
Mike Hennessy is a VIN Verifier for cars and motorcycles.
Mike Hennessy is involved in many local events: Parades, Memorials, Car Shows and Charity Events. You can subscribe to our newsletter and event updates.
735 Harrison Street
Santa Clara, CA 95050